Program Assistants (PAs) are a very valuable part of the Orillia Figure Skating Club Learn to Skate program. PAs are individuals who have been trained to assist in the delivery of the PreCanSkate and CanSkate programs.
Program Assistants from the Orillia FSC are registered Skate Canada members and include:
• Current club skaters
• Former skaters
• Skaters from other sports (hockey, ringette, speed skating)
To PA in the Orillia FSC, skaters must be 12 years of age by December 31st of the current skating year and must have passed their complete Star 3 freeskate test. Skaters that are 10-11 years of age and completed the Canskate program, may be trained as "helpers" on our PreCan and Canskate sessions.
PAs should arrive at the arena at least 20 minutes prior to the on-ice time wearing their red vest.
A PA’s role may include:
• Assisting or leading warm-ups, group activities or cool-downs
• Assisting with the set up of circuits and stations
• Leading circuits and rotations
• Demonstrating proper execution of skating skills
• Providing assistance to skaters who may have additional needs
• Providing general assistance to the coaches on the session
• Providing encouragement and general feedback to skaters
All PAs can be identified by the RED volunteer vest they wear while on the ice assisting with our programs.
For more information about the PA program at the Orillia FSC, please contact: